About 2017, I first learned about 3D printing and purchased my first 3D printer. It sat on my desk for years making little trinkets and toys. I purchased another, better printer, The Ender 3 a year or so later. Then, in 2019, I was approached by a family friend to reproduce a plastic part that was no longer manufactured for their parts store. They initially would order about 20 parts at a time until things started to take off and I had to purchase another Ender 3 printer. The Covid 19 lock down in 2020 really got things moving for my little side hustle. The taste of being home with my family, away from the 9-5 lifestyle got my mind working hard to think of other products I could 3D print and sell. One product really started to take off so I purchased another printer. I listed my services on a few other websites and I ended up getting the largest product contract to date. We ended up purchasing three more 3D printers and still couldn't keep up with it. We have about 14 machines total including our glowforge pro laser cutter. In the next year or two we will be moving things forward and getting a cnc router, a full color 3D printer, and a handheld 3D scanner. TL:DR My family is important to me. I created ThreeDeePrince, LLC to have the financial freedom to quit my job and work at home full time.